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38th CERES-II Science Team Meeting –
May 2023

Meeting Minutes / Presentations

Meeting Agenda [PDF]


Major Objectives for the Meeting:

  1. Review status of CERES Instruments and Data Products:
    • Status of CERES
    • CERES FM1-FM6 Calibration Update
    • MODIS, VIIRS GEO Cloud Algorithm & Validation Status
    • ADM, SARB, TISA and FLASHFlux Working Group Reports
    • EBAF Update
    • Data Management Team Update: Terra/Aqua/S-NPP/NOAA-20
    • Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) Update

  2. Invited Presentations Session. Each presentation is 45 min including time for questions.

  3. Contributed Science Reports. Each report is 20 min including time for questions.

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 9

 CERES Technical Session
9:00 am State of CERES [Presentation Recording ] N. Loeb
9:30 am CERES FM1-FM6 Instrument Update [Presentation Recording ] M. Shankar
10:15 am Break
10:45 am CERES Clouds Working Group Report [Presentation Recording ] B. Smith
11:15 am CERES Angular Distribution Model (ADM) Working Group Report
[Presentation Recording ]
W. Su
11:45 am Lunch
1:30 pm Surface Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) Working Group Update
part 1 [Presentation Recording ]
part 2 [Presentation Recording ]

S. Kato
S. Ham
1:50 pm Time Interpolation and Spatial Averaging (TISA) Working Group: Update
[Presentation Recording ]
D. Doelling
2:20 pm EBAF Ed4.2 Update
part1 [Presentation Recording ]
part2 [Presentation Recording ]

N. Loeb
S. Kato
3:00 pmBreak
3:30 pm FLASHFlux Update [Presentation Recording ] P. Stackhouse
3:50 pm CERES Data Management Team (DMT) Working Group Report
[Presentation Recording ]
K. Dejwakh
4:10 pm NASA GLOBE Clouds: One Million Satellite Matches and Counting
[Presentation Recording ]
M.C. Robles
4:30 pmAdjourn

Wednesday, May 10

 Invited Science Presentations
9:00 am Forcing, cloud feedbacks, cloud masking, and internal variability in the cloud radiative effect satellite record Presentation Recording ] S.P. Raghuraman
9:45 am The Earth’s Energy Imbalance in climate models [Presentation Recording ] G. Schmidt
10:30 am Break
 Contibuted Science Presentations
11:00 am Decomposition of CRE interannual variability with the FluxByCldTyp dataset
[Presentation Recording ]
L. Oreopoulos
11:20 am Observational Assessment of the Trend in Earth’s Energy Imbalance
[Presentation Recording ]
N. Loeb
11:40 am Uncertainties in the Global Cloud Trends from CALIPSO and CloudSat due to the Sensor Degradation [Presentation Recording ] S. Ham
12:00 pmLunch
1:30 pm A consistent depiction of longwave broadband and spectral radiative forcing and feedback from two decades of observations (2002-2022)
[Presentation Recording ]
X. Huang
1:50 pm A comparison of CERES Surface albedo in the Arctic with AMIP and CMIP6 model output
[Presentation Recording ]
D. Kim
2:10 pm The radiative energy budget of the polar atmosphere in contemporary reanalyses
[Presentation Recording ]
R. Cullather
2:30 pm Changes in Arctic Summer Ice Albedo Measured from Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellites
[Presentation Recording ]
P. Dreike
2:50 pmBreak
3:20 pm The status of the Version 2 VIIRS+CrIS Fusion (FSNRAD) products
[Presentation Recording ]
E. Borbas
3:40 pm MODIS/VIIRS calibration update [Presentation Recording ] J. Xiong
4:00 pm Dark Target v2.0 Aerosol Retrieval for VIIRS SNPP and NOAA-20 [Presentation Recording ] V. Sawyer
4:20 pm CERES SARB Edition 5 Aerosol Products: MODIS/VIIRS AOD Assimilation with the CAM 6 Modal Aerosol Scheme [Presentation Recording ] D. Fillmore
4:40 pmAdjourn

Thursday, May 11

 Contributed Science Presentations (Cont’d)
9:00 am The consistency of ice cloud optical models for spaceborne active and passive remote sensing applications [Presentation Recording ] J. Coy
9:20 am CLARREO Pathfinder-CERES Intercalibration [Presentation Recording ] Y. Shea
9:40 am Libera Mission Status Update [Presentation Recording ] P. Pilewskie
10:00 am Libera Science Update [Presentation Recording ] M. Hakuba
10:20 amBreak
10:40 am ERBE/ERBS WFOV Nonscanner Data Update [Presentation Recording ] T. Wong
11:00 am Measuring Upwelling Longwave in the Presence of an Obstruction and
Comparing to CERES Data
B. Fabbri
11:20 pm Estimating Global Sea Surface Turbulent Heat Anomalies Based on Energy Balance
[Presentation Recording ]
B. Lin
11:40 pm EBAF Ed4.2 vs 4.1 & TOA SW Up [Presentation Recording ] M. Zagoni
12:00 pmAdjourn