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5th CERES-II Science Team Meeting – May 2006


Major Objectives for the Meeting:

  1. Review status of CERES Instruments and Data Products:
    • Terra and Aqua SW channel spectral throughput changes 2000 to 2005 Release of Aqua Edition2 SSF and SFC with Aqua ADMs approved last meeting.
    • Release of Terra SRBAVG, summary of validation results.
    • SRBAVG production of daily means in addition to monthly means, ISCCP Pc/tau statistics, and release of SRBAVG beyond March 2003.
    • SYN and AVG: the level 3 gridded version of CRS data product Cloud algorithm improvements and validation results, including Edition3.
    • CRS Edition2, including processing transition from SGI to IBM cluster GEWEX Radiative Flux Assessment A-train, CERES FM-5 on NPOESS, ERBS/GERB/CERES comparisons, NRC Decadal Study, NASA HQ organizational and budget changes.
    • EOSDIS Evolution Activities at the Langley DAAC: transition from LATIS and SGI toward ANGE and commodity cluster computing Conversions of CERES production codes to cluster computing, production automation
  2. Co-I Presentations

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 2
Crowne Plaza at Fort Magruder Williamsburg, VA
08:00 Coffee/Danish
08:30 Meeting Logistics, Welcome Roy Chesson
08:40 State of U.S. CCSP/EOS/CERES/NPP/NPOESS B. Wielicki
Decadal Study/A-train/NASA RTO/ASIC
09:15 Terra/Aqua Instrument Calibration: SW Revision 1 K. PriestleyG. Matthews
10:15 Break
10:45 Aqua/Terra Cloud Properties, Cloud Overlap, Edition 3 P. Minnis
11:30 CERES/MISR ADM and Albedo Comparisons N. Loeb, Wenbo
12:00 Validation of Aqua 2A SSF Surface-only Fluxes D. Kratz/S. Gupta
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Terra/Aqua CRS T. Charlock/F. Rose
14:30 Terra SRBAVG Ed2D: Release Validation Summary D. Doelling
15:00 SRBAVG Daily Means, ISCCP Pc/Tau Outputs D. Doelling
15:20 Break
15:40 SYN/AVG Products F. Rose/D. Doelling
16:10 S’COOL L. Chambers
16:30 CERES Data Management: Status, Code Conv, Automation M. Little/E. Geier
Wednesday, May 3
08:00 Coffee/Danish
08:30 Working Group Sessions All
  Angular Modeling Loeb, SunBertrandLoukachine
  Surface to TOA Fluxes Charlock et al.
  Cloud Properties Minnis et al.
10:00 Break
Invited Presentations
10:30 LaRC ASDC DAAC: EOSDIS Evolution Plans M. Ferebee
11:15 CALIPSO and the A-train D. Winker/C. Trepte
12:00 Lunch
Co-I Reports
13:30 Separating ENSO from decadal climate variability A. Clement/C. Mitas/B. Soden
13:50 Climate Feedback of Tropical Deep Convection B. Lin
14:10 Radiation Changes at High Latitudes L. Smith/D. Bess
14:30 Seasonal & Interannual Arctic Radiation and Cloud Variations S. Kato et al.
14:50 Aerosol Indirect Effect Analysis: Dynamics vs. Aerosol N. Loeb
15:10 Evaluation of NCAR aerosol assimilation using AEROCOM D. Fillmore/W. Collins
15:30 Break
15:50 Compressed spectral aerosol optical depth over oceans A. Ignatov
16:10 Angular Variations of MODIS Cloud Over ARM SGP X. Dong et al.
16:30 Results from the Modified CERES AlongTrack Mode M. Vollier/M. Capderou
16:50 Surface shortwave irradiance over the Tibet Plateau I. Laszlo/K. Masuda
17:10 Adjourn
Thursday, May 4
Co-I Reports: Continued.
08:30 Overview and Update on GEWEX-RFA L. Chambers
08:50 Radiative Flux Trend Statistical Analysis B. Weatherhead
09:10 Preliminary Results from GEWEX-RFA L. Hinkelman
09:30 GEWEX SRB vs CERES SRBAVG/FLASHFLUX P. Stackhouse/D. Doelling
09:50 GERB Edition 1 Data Release S. DeWitte
10:10 Break
10:30 GERB/CERES Shortwave Comparisons P. Mlynczak/L. Smith
10:50 NCEP GFS Ozone Assimilation and Prediction C. Long/S.K. Yang
11:10 Photosynthetically Active Radiation from CERES SARB W. Su et al.
11:30 Reflected Solar Radiation: 3D Near the Terminator S. Kato
11:50 Action Items, Final Discussion B. Wielicki
12:10 Adjourn