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8th CERES-II Science Team Meeting – November 2007

Meeting Minutes/Presentations



Major Objectives for the Meeting:

  1. Review status of CERES Instruments and Data Products:
    • Status of NASA/U.S.CCSP/EOS/Senior Reviews and CERES on NPP and NPOESS for Edition3
    • Terra and Aqua SW/LW/TOTAL channel calibration for Edition3
    • Edition3 cloud algorithm development and validation
    • SRBAVG production of monthly means and release of SRBAVG up to December 2005 for both Aqua and Terra.
    • SYN and AVG: the level 3 gridded version of CRS data product
    • CRS Edition2, including processing transition from SGI to IBM cluster
    • GEWEX Radiative Flux Assessment
    • GERB Status Update
    • EOSDIS Evolution Activities at the Langley DAAC: transition from LATIS and SGI toward ANGE and commodity cluster computing
    • Conversions of CERES production codes to cluster computing, production automation
  2. CERES specific Co-I Reports. Each report is 20min including time for questions.

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 14
Fairmont Empress Hotel Conference Center
Victoria, B.C., Canada
09:00-12:00 Completion of Aerosol Indirect Effects Workshop  
13:00 Meeting Logistics, Welcome N. Loeb/B. Wielicki
13:10 State of U.S. CCSP/EOS/CERES/NPP/NPOESS Decadal Study/A-train/NASA RTO/ASIC B. Wielicki
13:50 Terra and Aqua SW/LW/TOTAL channel calibration for Edition 3: Preliminary Results and Future Plans K. Priestley/N. Loeb
15:00 Break
15:20 Edition 3 cloud algorithm development and validation using CALIPSO/CloudSat P. Minnis
16:05 Recent Improvements in Surface-Only Flux Algorithm Calculations of Single Scanner Footprint Fluxes D. Kratz/S. Gupta
16:35 Terra/Aqua CRS T. Charlock
17:35 Adjourn
18:30 Dutch Treat Dinner: CANOE Brewpub, Restaurant & Marina (on Victorias downtown waterfront)
Thursday, November 15
08:00 Coffee/Danish
08:30 SRBAVG Products Validation/Status D. Doelling
08:45 SYN and AVG Products D. Doelling/F. Rose
09:00 S’COOL L. Chambers/N. Loeb
09:15 CERES Data Management Status E. Geier
09:30 ASDC Update: ANGe, Automation, CERES Data Usage J. Closs
9:45 Future CERES Data Processing M. Little
10:00 GERB Update R. Bantges
10:20 Break
10:45 Working Group Sessions (Not all presentations are available) All
  Angular Modeling: TOA Validation at Valencia A.Velazquez
  Angular Modeling: Preliminary Ed3 and Ed2 TOA Flux Comparisons for IGBP Surface Types Loeb/Manalo-Smith
  Angular Modeling: A Validation of the Permanent Snow ADMs Using Data from East Antarctica Hudson/Warren
  Surface to TOA Fluxes Charlock et al.
  Cloud Properties Minnis et al.
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Why is Climate Sensitivity So Unpredictable? G. Roe
14:15 The Energy Cycle in Atmospheric Models G. Boer
15:00 Using CERES Data to Evaluate Clouds and Radiative Fluxes in the CCCma AGCM J. Cole
15:45 Break
  Co-I Reports
16:00 Sensitivity simulations of boundary-layer cloud objects to modifications of ECMWF meteorological state data using a cloud-resolving model K. Xu
16:20 Cloud overlap characteristics from CloudSat: Implications for radiative transfer calculations in global models H. Barker
16:40 How to evaluate climate model simulations using surface-satellite Observations X. Dong
17:20 Derivation of Component Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing and the Validation Tom Zhao
17:40 Adjourn
Friday, November 16
08:00 Coffee/Danish
  Co-I Reports: Continued.
08:30 Satellite retrievals of optical depth and effective radius in nocturnal stratocumulus clouds: results from Dycoms II field campaign P. Austin
08:50 Comparison of single- and multi-channel AOD revisited I. Laszlo
09:10 Status of MERRA/GEOS5 M.L. Wu
09:30 Earth Radiation Budget in NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecast S.K. Yang
09:50 Variations in radiative properties of different types of clouds observed from CERES B. Lin
10:10 Variability of Global Radiation Budget S. Kato
10:30 Break
10:40 An Algorithm for Balancing the Budget L. Smith
11:00 Current Status of the ERBS Nonscanner SW Data Record From 10/99 to 08/05 T. Wong
11:20 Retrievals of Multi-layered Cloud Properties F.-L. Chang
11:40 Testing Snow Grain Size Retrieval in Comparison with MODIS/CERES radiances Over Antarctic Plateau Z. Jin
12:00 Lunch
13:30 NRC Decadal Survey CLARREO Mission & Climate Calibration B. Wielicki/D. Young
13:50 CALIPSO/CloudSat/CERES/MODIS Merged Data Product: Status S. Kato
14:10 GEWEX Radiative Flux Assessment Update T. Wong
14:30 Relations between geo artifacts in ISCCP cloud data and surface fluxes from the NASA/GEWEX SRB L. Hinkelman
14:50 International collaboration on future earth radiation measurements and first GERB climate results S. Dewitte
15:10 Action Items, Final Discussion B. Wielicki/N. Loeb
15:20 Adjourn