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29th CERES-II Science Team Meeting – May 2018
Meeting Minutes / Presentations
Major Objectives for the Meeting:
Review status of CERES Instruments and Data Products:
Status of CERES
CERES Terra, Aqua, S-NPP SW/LW/TOTAL Channel Calibration Update
CERES FM6 Performance
MODIS & VIIRS Cloud Algorithm & Validation Status
ADM, SOFA, SARB and TISA Working Group Reports
Ed2 SNPP Products: Aerosol Data Source? Include CrIS Input Data?
Data Management Team Update: Terra/Aqua/S-NPP/NOAA-20
Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) Update
Education Outreach Activities
Invited Presentations Session. Each presentation is 45 min including time for questions.
Contributed Science Reports. Each report is 20 min including time for questions.
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, May 15
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
CERES Technical Session
8:00 am
Registration at Badge and Pass Office
8:55 am
Welcome/Meeting Logistics
Norm Loeb (NASA LaRC)
9:00 am
State of CERES
Norm Loeb (NASA LaRC)
9:20 am
2017 Decadal Survey & ERB EV-C
David Considine (NASA HQ)
9:30 am
CERES FM6 Instrument Status
CERES FM1-FM5 Instrument Status
Kory Priestley (NASA LaRC)
Susan Thomas (SSAI)
10:15 am
10:45 am
CERES Clouds Working Group Report
Bill Smith (NASA LaRC)
11:15 am
CERES Angular Distribution Model (ADM) Working Group Report
Wenying Su (NASA LaRC)
11:45 am
Validation of Surface-Only Flux Algorithms
David Kratz (NASA LaRC)
12:05 pm
1:35 pm
Surface Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB) Working Group Update
Seiji Kato (NASA LaRC)
2:05 pm
Time Interpolation and Spatial Averaging (TISA) Working Group Report
David Doelling (NASA LaRC)
2:35 pm
Aerosol Data Product Intercomparison
David Rutan (SSAI)
2:55 pm
Should CrIS Be Used to Supplement VIIRS in CERES SNPP Cloud Processing?
Bill Smith (NASA LaRC)
3:15 pm
3:45 pm
FLASHFlux Update
Paul Stackhouse (NASA LaRC)
4:05 pm
CERES Data Management Team (DMT) Working Group Report
Kathleen Moore (NASA LaRC)
4:25 pm
Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) Update
Jeff Walter (NASA LaRC)
4:45 pm
Education Outreach: The Crowd Source Clouds Data
Brant Dodson (SSAI)
5:05 pm
6:30 pm
Dutch Treat Dinner:
Monsoon Indian Bistro. Peninsula Town Center, 2150 Allainby Way, Hampton
Wednesday, May 16
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Invited Science Presentations
9:00 am
Time dependence of cloud feedback and its implications for climate sensitivity
Mark Zelinka (LLNL)
9:45 am
Challenges in inferring radiative feedbacks from observations of Earth’s energy budget
Kyle Armour (U. Washington)
10:30 am
Contributed Science Presentations
11:00 am
An estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity from interannual variability
Andrew Dessler (Texas A&M Univ.)
11:20 pm
Spectrally resolved cloud radiative feedbacks from model and from observation: some thoughts on the kernel approaches
Xianglei Huang (U. Michigan)
11:40 am
1:30 pm
Observation-based decomposition of radiative perturbations and radiative kernels
Tyler Thorsen (U. Washington)
1:50 pm
Decomposition of TOA shortwave flux variability into atmospheric and surface contributions: an evaluation of reanalyses and GCM simulations using CERES observations
Hailan Wang (SSAI)
2:10 pm
Analysis of Convective Aggregation from CERES Data
Kuan-Man Xu (NASA LaRC)
2:30 pm
The Peculiar Negative Greenhouse Effect
Sergio Sejas (NASA LaRC)
2:50 pm
3:20 pm
GMAO Status and plans
Michael Bosilovich
3:40 pm
Shortwave broadband irradiance biases due to subpixel variability
S.-H. Ham (SSAI)
4:00 pm
Effects of linear versus large footprint sampling on measured radiative heating rate and cloud water content profiles: CALIOP vs CERES scale
Laura Hinkelman (U. Washington)
4:20 pm
Assessing the Consistency of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rate Profiles of Single-layer Ice Clouds from an A-Train Perspective
Erica Dolinar (U. North Dakota)
4:40 pm
Meridional progression of interannual oscillations in summertime Arctic TOA fluxes
5:00 pm
Thursday, May 17
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Contributed Science Presentations (cont’d)
9:00 am
A surface energy budget approach to understanding the CMIP5 inter-model spread in Arctic Amplification
Patrick Taylor (NASA LaRC)
9:20 am
A Case Study of the Unprecedented 2016/17 Arctic Sea Ice Growth Season: the Influence of Atmospheric Water Vapor Content Anomalies through the Surface Radiation Budget
Brad Hegyi (NASA LaRC)
9:40 am
Development of a two-layer snow albedo model: Preliminary results and future perspectives
Ping Yang (Texas A&M Univ.)
10:00 am
Developing an AVHRR-based CDR of TOA radiative fluxes within the CMSAF Project
Tom Akkermans
(KU Leuven, Belgium)
10:20 am
Patterns in the CERES Global Mean Data. Part 2: Physical Basis
Miklos Zagoni
(retired, Eotvos Lorand Univ.)
10:40 am
10:40 am
Evaluation of radiative fluxes estimated using Machine learning methods and that from CERES/ERBE
Bijoy Thampi (SSAI)
11:30 am
Evaluation of CERES MODIS Ed4 Cloud Fraction, Cloud Phase Classification and Cloud Height with ARM Ground Observations
Baike Xi (Univ. of Arizona)
11:50 am
Enhancing multilayer cloud retrieval
Fu-Lung Chang (SSAI)
12:10 am
Evaluation of MODIS cloud retrievals using CALIPSO observations
Chris Yost (SSAI)
l2:30 am