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14th CERES-II Science Team Meeting – September 2010

Meeting Minutes / Presentations


Meeting Agenda

Monday, September 13
9:00 am Meeting Logistics, Welcome Remy Roca (LMD)
CERES Technical Session
9:10 am State of CERES/NASA/EOS/Senior Reviews/ CERES on NPP and JPSS/Decadal Survey Missions Norman Loeb (NASA LaRC)
9:50 am CERES Instrument and Calibration Status Kory Priestley (NASA LaRC)
9:50 am CERES FM1-FM4 Edition3 Calibration Update Susan Thomas (SSAI)
10:50 am Break
11:10 am CERES Edition 4 Cloud Properties Patrick Minnis (NASA LaRC)
11:50 am Recent Improvements in CERES Surface-Only Flux Algorithms: Implemented in Edition-3 and Preparing for Edition-4 Gupta (SSAI)/Kratz (NASA LaRC)
12:15 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB): CERES Fluxes using Calculations Thomas Charlock (NASA LaRC)
2:30 pm Time-Space Averaging Update David Doelling (NASA LaRC)
3:10 pm ISCCP-D2like Product Update Moguo Sun (SSAI)
3:30 pm Break
3:50 pm CERES Data Management Overview and Status Jonathan Gleason (NASA LaRC)
4:20 pm Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) Update Sue Sorlie (SSAI)
4:40 pm S’COOL Update Loeb/Chambers (NASA LaRC)
5:00 pm Action Items, Final Discussion Norman Loeb
5:10 pm Adjourn
5:30 pm Ice Breaker
Tuesday, September 14
GERB Technical Session
9:00 am MSG Programme Status &
GERB 4 Programme Status
Gary Fowler (EUMETSAT)/
Nigel Morris (RAL)
9:20 am GERB Unit level spectral response measurement assessment Jacqui Russell (Imperial)
9:40 am GERB system level ground calibration Jon Murray (Imperial)
10:10 am GERB Ops report James Rufus (Imperial)
10:40 am Break
11:00 am GGSPS processing status report Andy Smith (RAL)
11:30 am RGP processing status report Nicolas Clerbaux (RMIB)
12:00 pm Intercomparison of GERB 1 and 2 data Richard Bantges (Imperial)
12:35 pm Lunch
2:00 pm GERB 1 Edition release & GERB 2 Edition calibration assessment Jacqui Russell (Imperial)
2:30 pm GERB product development plans and status Jacqui Russell (Imperial)
3:00 pm Break
ScaRaB Technical Session
3:30 pm Overview of Megha-Tropiques Mission Remy Roca (LMD)
4:00 pm The ScaRaB-3 Instrument Patrick Raberanto (LMD)
4:30 pm The MT/ScaraB-3 algorithms and products Olivier Chomette (LMD)
5:00 pm Adjourn
Wednesday, September 15
CERES/GERB/ScaRaB Instrument/Algorithm Validation Synergy
9:00 am The MT Orbit and its Angular Sampling Michel Capderou (LMD)
9:20 am CERES Special Operations for Comparison with Other ERB Instruments Z. Peter Szewczyk (SSAI)
9:40 am Time-Space Average Studies with CERES/GERB/ScaRaB David Doelling (NASA LaRC)
10:00 am Break
Invited Science Presentations
10:30 am Revisiting of the Greenhouse Effect Discovery and its Analysis Jean-Louis Dufresne (LMD)
11:15 am A New Era for the Evaluation of Climate Models Sandrine Bony (LMD)
12:00 pm Lunch
Contributed Science Presentations
1:30 pm Relationships Between Clouds, SST and Circulation Over the Tropical Oceans Mark Ringer (UK Met Office)
1:50 pm Using GERB, CERES and ScaRaB to Investigate Systematic Model Biases Relating to Cloud, Mineral Dust and Aircraft Contrails Richard Allan (U. Reading)
2:10 pm Key Parameters to Estimate the OLR Over Tropical Regions: Simple Models and Their Evaluation Rodrigo Guzman (LMD)
2:30 pm Climate Sensitivity and TOA Net Radiation in Short and Long Time Scales Bing Lin (NASA LaRC)
2:50 pm Use of ERB Data for Model Development, Evaluation and Feedback Studies at the Met Office Mark Ringer (UK Met Office)
3:10 pm Break
3:30 pm Tropical Diurnal Cycle Using CERES Synoptic Data Patrick Taylor (NASA LaRC)
3:50 pm Diurnal Variability of Cloud System Types as Seen from Terra and Aqua Satellites Kuan-Man Xu (NASA LaRC)
4:10 pm Analysis of OLR in short timescale over Africa Kwun Chan (Imperial)
4:30 pm Modeling of the Ageing Effects on Meteosat First Generation Visible Band Ilse Decoster (RMIB)
4:50 pm Unfiltering Study for the EarthCARE BBR Almudena Velazquez Blazquez (RMIB)
5:10 pm Proposal of flux retrieval methodologies for the BBR L2 baseline algorithms in the EarthCARE framework Carlos Domenech (Free U. Berlin)
5:30 pm An Estimate of the Radiation Effect of Invisibly Thin Clouds Wenbo Sun (SSAI)
5:40 pm Adjourn
Thursday, September 16
Contributed Science Presentations
9:00 am Analysis of Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation Budget from Multiple Data Sets Takmeng Wong (NASA LaRC)
9:20 am Extending TOA Radiation Back to 1978 Using Wide-Field-of-View Data Edward Baudrez (RMIB)
9:40 am TOA and Surface Radiation Budget Derived from CALIPSO, CloudSat, and MODIS Derived Cloud and Aerosol Properties Seiji Kato (NASA LaRC)
10:00 am A Multi-Variable Statistical Description of Clouds Over the Tropical Ocean Using A-Train High Spatial Resolution Observations to Assess Cloud Process Parameterizations in Climate Models Helene Chepfer (LMD)
10:20 am Mesoscale Convective Systems and the Radiation Budget in the Tropics Remy Roca (LMD)
10:40 am Break
11:00 am The CM-SAF Meteosat-Based Climate Data Record for the Surface Solar Irradiance – Description and Evaluation Joerg Trentmann (DWD)
11:20 am NOAA’s Plans for the Continuity of Earth Radiation Budget Observations and Climate Data Records John Bates (NOAA)
11:40 am Surface Net Fluxes from Broadband and Narrowband Observations: CERES and GOES-R/ABI Istvan Laszlo (NOAA)
12:00 am CERES/ARM Validation Experiment – CAVE – a Web Based Tool for Radiation Transfer and Display of CERES Data Product Validation Results David Rutan (SSAI)
12:20 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Improvements to Standard CALIPSO Products and Mew Products David Winker (NASA LaRC)
2:20 pm Evaluation of the Global Cloud Cover Parameters Obtained from Geostationnary Data in the Frame of the Megha-Tropiques Mission with CALIPSO Lidar Observations Genevieve Seze (LMD)
2:40 pm Cloud Property Comparisons between CERES and CALIPSO Sunny Sun-Mack (SSAI)
3:00 pm Validation of CERES ST Retrieved MODIS Cloud Properties Using DOE AMF-China and Cloudsat Observations Xiquan Dong (U. N. Dakota)
3:20 pm Comparisons of Multilayer Cloud Products From CERES MODIS, CALIPSO and CloudSat Data Fu-Lung Chang (SSAI)
3:40 pm Break
4:00 pm Long-term Trend of Aerosol Optical Thickness in Support of Studying the Solar Dimming and Brightening Xuepeng Zhao (NOAA)
4:20 pm Picard: A New Mission Dedicated to the Sun and Our Climate Steven Dewitte (RMIB)
4:40 pm Adjourn