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2nd CERES-II Science Team Meeting – November 2004

Joint Meeting with ARM and GCSS Cloud Modeling Working Groups

November 2-4, 2004
Williamsburg, VA


Major Objectives for the Meeting:

  1. Review status of CERES Data Products:
    • Instrument Calibration: stability over first 4 years of Terra
    • Aqua Cloud Properties: consistency with Terra in Edition 1 Aqua SSF
    • Tera/Geo Merged Diurnal Sampling: SRBAVG/SYN/AVG product status
    • Terra consistent Surface, Atmosphere, and TOA Fluxes: CRS product status
  2. Variability in Terra 4 Year Global Cloud and Radiation Data
    Now that 4 years of Terra data are available, an examination of variability and potential trends in calibration, radiation and cloud will be discussed: perspectives from ERBE-Like TOA fluxes as well as new CERES fluxes and MODIS cloud data in combined SSF, CRS, and SRBAVG data products.

  3. Given the new Terra ADMs and over 3 years of processed Terra SSF merged cloud/radiation data, our joint session with the ARM and GCSS modeling groups will give an overview of new CERES flux and cloud property capabilities relevant to ARM and GCSS cloud modeling. CERES, ARM, and GCSS Co-I reports of interest to all 3 groups will be merged into a joint session of 1/2 to 1 day depending on the contributed talks. Purpose of the joint meeting is to foster cloud model/data intercomparison studies that take advantage of improvements in both models, observations, and computing capability. The joint session talks will be organized by Wielicki for CERES, Steve Klein and Menghua Zhang as Co-Chairs of the ARM Cloud Parameterization and Modeling (CPM) Grouop, and Jon Petch the Chair of the GCSS Working Group 4 on convective cloud modeling.

  4. CERES specific Co-I Reports. We expect to have time for 15 to 20 Co-I reports, some of which will be in the joint session plenary. Co-I should email suggested title, authors, and a paragraph description to me if they are interested in presenting a 20 minute Co-I report.

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, November 2
08:30 Meeting Logistics, Welcome S. Walker
08:40 State of U.S. CCSP/EOS/CERES/NPP/NPOESS B. Wielicki
09:00 Terra/Aqua Instrument Calibration Summary [15.36MB] K. Priestley
09:45 Aqua/Terra Cloud Property Consistency/Accuracy P. Minnis
10:15 Break
10:35 Terra SSF Simple Surface Fluxes D. Kratz
10:55 Terra CRS Surface Flux Accuracy in Edition 2
CRS Edition 2a & 2b
T. Charlock
D. Rutan
11:25 Terra Gridded Monthly Data: with and without Geo [31.58MB] D. Young
12:30 Lunch
13:30 CERES Data Management and Data Product Status M. Little/E. Geier
13:50 Langley ASDC DAAC User Services E. Kizer
14:10 S’COOL Education Outreach Status [22.76MB] S. Moore
14:30 4 years of Terra ERBE-Like TOA Fluxes T. Wong
14:50 4 years of Terra SSF Fluxes and Clouds N. Loeb
15:30 Break
16:00 2000 vs 2003 Terra CRS Sfc to TOA consistency F. Rose/T. Charlock
16:20 How does this all fit with Earthshine, Deep Ocean, Etc? B. Wielicki/T. Wong
16:50 Sensitivity of Tropical Mean Radiation Budget A. Clement/B. Soden
17:10 CERES vs ERBE Polar Cloud Radiative Effects R. Cess/M. Sun
17:30 Adjourn
Wednesday, November 3
08:30 Working Group Sessions

Angular Modeling (Loeb et al.)
Surface to TOA Fluxes (Charlock, et al.)
Cloud Properties (Minnis et al.)
Invited Presentations
09:15 SORCE Solar Total and Spectral Irradiance Observations [41.62MB] Gary Rottman, CU
10:00 Break
Joint CERES/GCSS/ARM Session
10:30 CERES Overview [20.46MB] B. Wielicki
10:40 Cloud Properties P. Minnis
11:10 Broadband Top of atmosphere Fluxes N. Loeb
11:40 Surface and In-Atmosphere Radiative Flux Profiles T. Charlock
12:10 Lunch  
13:30 Observations of the Aerosol Indirect Effect J. Coakley
Overview of ARM Modeling and Field Experiments
14:00 CPM Activities, Data, and Plans S. Klein
14:20 Comparing clouds in models and satellite measurements M. Zhang
14:40 Parameterization improvement: (CSM–>CAPT–>GCM) [12.67MB] S. Xie
15:00 MPACE Overview and Initial Results [126.72MB] H. Verlinde
15:25 TWP-ICE Overview J. Mather
15:30 Break
Overview of GCSS activities
16:00 GCSS WG4 [17.87MB] J. Petch
16:40 GCSS WG3 G. Tselioudis
17:00 Discussion [18.60MB]  (led by B. Wielicki & M. Zhang)
Data Needs, Uses, Joint Activities/Analyses, TWP-ICE collaboration, A-Train
17:30 Adjourn
Thursday, November 4
08:30 Global cloud vertical structure: new methodology and climatology [12.11MB] F-L. Chang/Z. Li
08:50 Polar TOA flux (cloud, snow/ice properties) S. Kato
09:10 Validation of the GERB LW flux by comparison with CERES S. Dewitte
09:30 A climatology of midlatitude continental clouds from ARM SGP X. Dong/ B. Xi
09:50 Status of documenting MODIS and VIRS aerosols on CERES SSF A. Ignatov
10:10 Comparison of single- and multi-channel AOD from MAPSS data I. Laszlo/A. Ignatov
10:30 Break
11:00 Retrieving aerosol properties over bright surfaces from MODIS [30.96MB] N.C. Hsu/S. Tsay/M. King
11:20 Spatial matching error in comparing satellite with surface flux L. Hinkelman
11:40 Comparison of radiation budget measurements and NOAA-9 ERBE [14.61MB] L. Smith
12:00 GEWEX TOA and Surface Radiative Flux Assessment Status and Discussion B. Wielicki/P. Stackhouse
12:40 Summary/Action Items
13:00 Adjourn