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CERES team released EBAF-Surface Edition 4.0 data product.

The CERES team announces the release of Edition 4.0 of the Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) Surface data product. EBAF-Surface Ed4.0 leverages off of the many algorithm improvements that have been made in the Edition 4 suite of CERES level 1-3 data products. Surface fluxes included in Ed4 EBAF-Surface are consistent with top-of-atmosphere fluxes included … Read the rest ⇢

What is the Earth’s Energy Budget? Five Questions with a Guy Who Knows

Earth’s energy budget. Not a familiar concept? Maybe you’re scratching your head, wondering, what is that? Don’t worry. You’re not the only one.The good news is: We have answers. And those answers come courtesy of Norman Loeb, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Loeb is the principal investigator for an … Read the rest ⇢