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First Light’ Images from CERES FM6 Earth-observing Instrument

It’s working!
The covers on the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System Flight Model 6 (CERES FM6) opened Jan. 5, allowing it to scan Earth for the first time.

The instrument was one of five that launched Nov. 18, 2017, on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration’s (NOAA) Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). After reaching polar orbit Nov. 18, the satellite became known as NOAA-20.

Cover-opening activities began around 8:30 p.m. ET Jan. 4 and were completed at approximately 1:45 a.m. Jan. 5. CERES FM6 began scanning Earth at approximately 1:25 p.m. Jan. 5. On Jan. 10, scientists used those scans to produce the “first light” images.

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