CERES team released the Edition 4A SYN1deg data product suite September 13, 2017 The CERES team announces the release of the Edition4A SYN1deg data product suite. This includes TOA, surface and atmospheric radiative fluxes and cloud, aerosol and surface properties at 1×1 deg regional, 1 deg zonal and global spatial resolutions, and the following temporal resolutions: hourly (SYN1deg-1Hour), 3-hourly (SYN1deg-3Hour), daily (SYN1deg-Day), monthly (SYN1deg-Month) and monthly in hourly increments (SYN1deg-MHour).Edition4A SYN1deg products leverage off of algorithm improvements included in the Edition4 suite of CERES levels 1 & 2 data products. Edition4A SYN1deg products are processed using consistent atmospheric reanalysis data and include hourly resolution radiative fluxes and derived cloud properties.For variable-level subsetting, data may be ordered via the CERES Ordering Tool:https://ceres-tool.larc.nasa.gov/ord-tool/jsp/SYN1degEd4Selection.jspĀ This initial release covers the period March 2000 – January 2017. Additional months will become available as they are processed.