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26th CERES-I Science Team Meeting – May 2002

May 14-16, 2002
Williamsburg, Virginia

Meeting Summary

Meeting Minutes / Presentations: [ PDF ]

Major Objectives for the Meeting:Status of new TRMM and Terra data Products:

Science Team Results

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

8:30 Meeting Logistics, Welcome B. Wielicki, J. Hubble
8:40 Meeting Objectives and State of EOS/CERES/NPOESS B. Wielicki
9:00 Aqua Spacecraft & Instrument Status J. Cooper, P. Brown
9:15 Terra/Aqua Instrument Status
Terra drift correction: Terra Edition 2 BDS
K. Priestley, J. Cooper
10:00 Break
10:30 TRMM CRS Edition 2b Validation and Readiness T. Charlock, et al.
11:30 TRMM SRBAVG Edition 2b Validation and Readiness D. Young, et al.
  CERES Directional Models: Albedo vs. Solar Zenith Angle J. Boghosian
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Terra SSF Edition 1 MODIS Cloud Validation and Readiness P. Minnis, et al.
3:00 Terra Edition 1 TOA Flux Accuracy using TRMMs ADMs N. Loeb, et al.
3:45 Break
4:15 Terra SSF Edition 1 Surface Fluxes, TRMM Edition 2b D. Kratz, S. Gupta
4:45 Surface Solar Energy Status C. Whitlock, P. Stackhouse
5:00 S’COOL Update D. Stoddard
5:15 Adjourn

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

8:30 CERES Data System and Data Product Status M. Little, E. Geier
9:00 LaRC ASDC DAAC Status B. Barkstrom
9:30 Working Group Sessions
11:45 Invited Presentation: Dr. Kuan-man Xu
  A New Approach for Cloud Model Evaluation Based upon Ensemble Cloud-System Analysis of Satellite Data
12:00 Lunch
Co-I Reports
1:40 Spatial and temporal scales of precipitating tropical cloud systems in satellite imagery and NCAR CCM3 E. Wilcox, V. Ramanathan
2:00 CERES SSF data and the Tropical Iris Feedback L. Chambers and B. Lin
2:20 Observed decadal variations of the tropical mean radiative energy and Iris estimations B. Lin, T. Wong, and B. Wielicki
2:40 Status on Decadal Tropical Variability B. Wielicki, T. Wong
3:00 Break
3:30 Changes in the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect during 1985 to 1999 R. Cess
3:50 Revisions/Validation of LW Model A SRB Decadal clear-sky greenhouse ERBE, TRMM, Terra A. Inamdar
4:10 Long term solar irradiance variability 1978-2002 R. B. Lee, III
4:30 Homogenization of CERES and METEOSAT fluxes: results for reflected solar flux S. Dewitte
4:50 Combination of CERES/Terra and Meteosat-5: time interpolation and deep convection studies M. Viollier
5:10 Adjourn

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Co-I Reports Cont’d
8:30 CLAMS: Experiment Summary and Early Results W. Smith, Jr., T. Charlock,
K. Rutledge, T. Zhang
8:50 Superparameterizations: More Results and More Ideas D. Randall
9:10 Evaluating NCEP cloud/radiative parameterizations with CERES S-K Yang, A. J. Miller,
Y-T Hou
9:30 Cloud Cover Validation using Ground Measurements T. Berendes, R. Welch,
D. Berendes, E. Dutton, T. Uttal, P. Minnett, E. Clothiaux
9:50 MODIS/Surface Cloud Comparison at ARM NSA X. Dong
10:10 Break
10:30 Cloud properties for partly cloudy pixels J. Coakley, Jr., M. Friedman, W. Tahnk
10:50 Daytime multi-layer cloud detection with MODIS B. Baum
11:10 General considerations in the retrieval of ice cloud properties using satellite data Q. Han
11:30 Improved Thermal Leak Correction in VIRS 1.6 um channel for Aerosol Retrievals A. Ignatov, I. Laszlo, N. Nalli
11:50 CERES validation on Nightglow balloon flight W. Su
12:00 Summary/Action Items B. Wielicki
12:30 Adjourn