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22nd CERES-I Science Team Meeting – September 2000
September 20-22, 2000
Huntsville, AL
Meeting Summary
Cess, Robert
Algorithm-development Strategies for Retrieving the Downwelling Longwave Flux at the Earth’s Surface
Cess, Robert
CERES Scientific Investigations
Chambers, Lin
The CERES S’COOL Project: An Update
Chambers, Lin
Informing CERES Optical Depth Retrieval with Data from Other Sources
Charlock, Thomas
Aerosol Effect on Residual Clear-sky Insolation Discrepancy
Charlock, Thomas
Report from SARB Working Group
Clerbaux, Nicolas
Comparison of GERB/SEVIRI and CERES Scene Identification
Donner, Leo
The Effects of Convective Shields and Cumulus-Scale Vertical Velocities on the General Circulation
Dutton, Ells
CMDL and BSRN Surface-based Irradiance Update (SARB & S-O Working Group)
Friedman, Michael
Progress Report: Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing
Geier, Erika
Data Management
Haeffelin, Martial
Calibration and Thermal Offset of Pyranometers
Han, Qingyuan
Strategies of Monitoring Aerosol Indirect Effect from Space
Killough, Brian
An Empirical Angular Distribution Model for the Calculation of Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes in the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols
Kratz, David
Validation of the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Surface Radiation Budget Algorithms
Lin, Bing
Estimations of Column Cloud Water Amount Over Arctic Regions Using Ground-based Thermal Microwave and Infrared Measurements
Loeb, Norman
ADM Working Group Agenda
Loeb, Norman
Validation of CERES Unfiltering Algorithm
Loeb, Norman
Angular Distribution Modeling (ADM) Group
Minnis, Patrick
CERES Cloud Algorithm Changes
Priestley, Kory
Instrument Working Group/TRMM Terra Aqua Status
Randall, David
Globally, and in the tropics in particular, how much precipitation falls from convection, and how much from stratiform clouds?
Robertson, Pete
Differences Between TOVS Path-A and Broadband Depictions of Tropical-Mean OLR Variability
Rutan, David
CERES, ARM Validation Experiment (CAVE)
Rutledge, Kenneth
CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE) Site Characterization Using First Year Results
Smith, Nitchie
Longwave and Window ADMs for Overcast and Clear Sky Scenes
Stowe, Larry
Consistency Checks of SSF-ED1 Output and Progress Towards a Third Generation Retrieval Algorithm
Su, Wenying
Outgoing Longwave Radiation of the Tibetan Plateau
Viollier, Michel
SW Time Interpolation: Correction with Climatological Diurnal Albedo Variation, Application to ScaRaB and March 2000 CERES/Terra Data Inter-annual Comparisons
Wielicki, Bruce
EOS/CERES Program Status
Yang, Shi-Keng
Interdecadal Trend of LWCF from NCEP/NCAR Reanalyses
Young, David
Temporal Interpolation using Geostationary Data: An Update