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CERES Science Project Lead

Dr. Norman Loeb
Dr. Norman Loeb

Principal Investigator

CERES Science Team Leads

Dr. Kathleen Dejwakh
Dr. Kathleen Dejwakh

Data Management Team Lead

David Doelling
David Doelling

Time Interpolated and Spatially Averaged (TISA) Working Group Lead

Dr. Seiji Kato
Dr. Seiji Kato

Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB) Working Group Lead

Dr. Kory Priestley
Dr. Kory Priestley

Project Scientist and Instrument Working Group Lead

Dr. Mohan Shankar
Dr. Mohan Shankar

Deputy Project Scientist

Dr. William Smith
Dr. William Smith

Clouds Working Group Lead

Dr. Paul Stackhouse
Dr. Paul Stackhouse

Flashflux Working Group Lead

Dr. Wenying Su
Dr. Wenying Su

Angular Distribution Models (ADM) Working Group Lead

Dr. Takmeng Wong
Dr. Takmeng “Tak” Wong

Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)-like Working Group Lead