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13th CERES-II Science Team Meeting – April 2010

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 27
Marriott Hotel City Center at Oyster Point
Newport News, VA
8:00 am Coffee/Danish
8:30 am Meeting Logistics, Welcome Norm Loeb (NASA LaRC)
8:40 am State of NASA/EOS/CERES on NPP and Beyond Norm Loeb (NASA LaRC)
9:20 am CERES FM1-FM6 Instrument Status Report Kory Priestley (NASA LaRC)
10:20 am Break
10:40 am Update on CERES Edition 3 Cloud Algorithm Patrick Minnis (NASA LaRC)
11:20 am Improving the CERES Surface-Only Flux Algorithms for Edition 3 and beyond Kratz/Gupta
11:50 am The Computed Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget(SARB): Development of Ed3 CRS and Report on Validation of Ed2 CRS and SYN Thomas Charlock (NASA LaRC)
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Time-Space Averaging Update and New Prototype CERES L3 Data Product
Subsetting/Visualization/Ordering Tool ——- presentations:
Update on CERES ISCCP-D2-like Data Product M. Sun
TISA (Time-Space Averaging) Update Doelling/Sun
CERES Prototype Ordering Tool Demo David Doelling (NASA LaRC)
3:00 pm An Updated Comparison of the TOA Radiation Budget Data from the GEWEX Radiative Flux Assessment Archive Takmeng Wong (NASA LaRC)
3:20 pm Break
3:40 pm CERES Data Management Team (DMT) Update Jonathan Gleason (NASA LaRC)
4:10 pm Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) Update John Kusterer (NASA LaRC)
4:30 pm CERES Education and Outreach Update Lin Chambers (NASA LaRC)
4:50 pm Adjourn
6:30 pm Dutch Treat Dinner: Red Star Tavern
Wednesday, April 28
Marriott Hotel City Center at Oyster Point
8:00 am Coffee/Danish
8:30 am Working Group Sessions
Angular Modeling (Loeb et al.)
Surface to TOA Fluxes (Charlock et al.)
Cloud Properties (Minnis et al.)
Science Reports
9:30 am Using CERES in Developing Shortwave Radiation Budget Algorithms from ABI on GOES-R I. Laszlo
9:50 am The Radiation Fluxes of NCEP/Climate Forecast System Reanalysis Validated with NASA/CERES S-K Yang
10:10 am Break
10:30 am The Challenge of 1%o S. Schwartz
11:15 am CGILS: A Project to Understand Climate Feedbacks of Low Clouds M. Zhang
12:00 pm Lunch
Science Reports
1:30 pm Update on CMIP5 Observation Data Base G. Potter
1:50 pm Preliminary Results Using a Cloud Object Simulator Zachary Eitzen (SSAI)
2:10 pm Estimating the Global Cloud Feedback in FlashFlux Data Andrew Dessler
2:30 pm Biases in Observationally Estimated Cloud Radiative Forcing: A Perspective from Multi-Year High-Resolution GCM Simulations X. Huang
2:50 pm Climate Sensitivity and Short-Term Relationship of Top-of-Atmosphere Net Radiation and Surface Temperature Bin Lin (NASA LaRC)
3:10 pm Break
Science Reports: Continued.
3:30 pm Response of Deep Convective Clouds to Increases in Particle Burdens J. Coakley
3:50 pm Boundary Layer Lapse Rate used in Edition 3 S. Mack
4:10 pm Validation of MODIS Derived Cloud Properties and Modeled Irradiances using C3M Processes Seiji Kato (NASA LaRC)
4:30 pm Comparison of Arctic cloud properties derived from CERES-MODIS, Cloudsat, and ARM radar over ARM NSA site. X. Dong
4:50 pm Adjourn
Thursday, April 29
Marriott Hotel City Center at Oyster Point
8:00 am Coffee/Danish
Science Reports: Continued.
8:30 am Update on Evaluating CERES Ed3 Overlap Cloud Properties F. Chang
8:50 am Estimating Radiation Effect of Invisible Clouds with a Synergy of CERES, MODIS, CALIPSO, AIRS, and AMSER-E Data W. Sun
9:10 am The Effects of Clouds and Aerosols on the Radiation Balance Inferred from CloudSat, CALIPSO and MODIS Observations D. Henderson
9:30 am Development of a Unified Aerosol Retrieval System for Past, Current, and Future Satellite Imagers T. Zhao
9:50 am Break
10:10 am Aerosol Forcing at Niamey, Niger during RADAGAST from the CERES perspective David Rutan (SSAI)
10:30 am FIRST Chile Deployment M. Mlynczak
10:50 am Tropospheric Spectral Infrared Radiative Cooling Rate from INFLAME D. Johnson
11:10 am Long Term Measurement of the Earth’s Radiation Budget using a Constellation of Broadband Radiometers Hosted on Iridium NEXT O. Gupta
11:30 am NPP Overview and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Update Jim Gleason
12:00 pm Action Items, Final Discussion Norm Loeb (NASA LaRC)
12:10 pm Adjourn